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- Tuscany Region Project: SAVES-US – Suppression of Airborne Viral Epidemic Spread by Ultraviolet light barriers (2020-2023)
- Fondazione CR Firenze Project: Device endoscopico per foto-terapia antibatterica intragastrica (2021)
- CNR/RFBR Project: HYPNOSIs – Nanostrutture plasmoniche ibride per imaging biomedicale e sensoristica (2018-2020)
- Fondazione CR Firenze Project: MEMORY – MEtaMateriali fOtonici e laseR per claYtronics e nanorobotica (2020-2021)
- Fondazione CR Firenze Project: S-TRE-AM – Stampa 3d di dispositivi nAno e Micro fluidici: un paradigma nuovo per le scienze chimico-fisiche (2020-2021)
- Tuscany Region Bando Salute Regione Toscana 2018 Project: THERMINATOR – THERmoablation of Melanoma and mammary carcinoma with Injected NAnoplarticles coupled TO Radiotherapy (2020-2023)
- EuroNanoMed3 Era-NET Cofund Action on Nanomedicine H2020 Project: SPEEDY – Surface-enhanced Raman scattering with nanophotonic and biomedical amplifying systems for an early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease pathology (2018-2021)
- Photonics Based Sensing ERA-NET Cofund Project: PLABAN – Advanced Plasmonic Biosensor Analysis of Nucleic Acid Biomarkers (2018-2021)
- Tuscany Region POR-FESR 2014-2020 program Action 1.1.5.a3 Project: SENSOGM – Development of biophotonic sensors for environmental determination of GMOs (2018-2021)
- Tuscany Region Bando Salute Regione Toscana 2018 Project: PRAMA – Proteomics, RAdiomics & Machine Learning-integrated strategy for precision medicine for Alzheimer’s (2020-2023)
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Italy (MAECI) Executive Programme of Scientific and Technological Cooperation Project: DESWEAT – Development of a cost-effective wearable metal nanowire-based chip sensor for optical monitoring of metabolites in sweat (2019-2021)
- CNR / American Farm School Collaboration Project: SMARTGRAPE – Development of non destructive methods for the assessment of the maturity of table grape and kiwifruit (2019-2021)
- Ministero della Difesa Project: SFINGE – Spettroscopia Fotoacustica e volatIloma contro l’aGrobiotErrorismo (2020-2021)
- Tuscany Region Bando Salute Regione Toscana 2018 Project: NAVIGATOR – An Imaging Biobank to Precisely Prevent and Predict cancer, and facilitate the Participation of oncologic patients to Diagnosis and Treatment (2020-2023)
- H2020 European Project: Pro-CAncer-I – An AI Platform integrating imaging data and models, supporting precision care through prostate cancer’s continuum (2020-2024)
- Tuscany Region Project: OPTIMISED – Creazione di un percorso ottimizzato per il flusso dei dati e la gestione del paziente con quadro clinico e radiologico compatibile con COVID-19 (2021-2023)